Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

11. The Vision, Part II

Just what is the vision of Love All People? How did it come about? Where is it going and who is it touching? These are the questions that are constantly asked of us.

The vision I received late one night in Chicago was clear to me. Even though I did not understand what it meant at the time. I knew it would change my life, as well as the lives of my family and friends.

The mission given me in the vision was “to tell the children I love them”. How can I do this? I asked God. He told me that I would give Him my all – my talent and my life. I would all Him to work through me.

God showed me that by being obedient to Him, He would exalt me. I wondered, “How was He going to use my life?” Surely there were more worthy people than me for this mission. Whenever I think about what has happened to me since that time, my eyes fill with tears of gratitude.

God promised that he would give me a new song to sing and a new testimony to tell. It was – and still is – sometimes hard to follow God on total faith, without question. That’s exactly what I did then and still do today. The message: “Tell the children I love them.”

As the years passed, I began to understand more and more the message and why it is needed so badly today. Drug abuse is controlling our youth – making them irresponsible, killing their visions, leading them to kill others and to worship Satan.

When I see how this drug abuse problem leads its victims to family abuse in the worst way, when I see out youth taking their own lives in alarming numbers, I know why I was called to this job.

When I see kids on the streets, drifting from place to place with no real home or family, no ambitions or dreams, I understand. When I see kids just trying to survive, searching and really wanting to be someone and do good, I realize how profound the message, “Tell the children I love them.”

Through positive music and testimonies, it is my vision to carry out this message to all who will listen. I believe that someday we must live in a drug-free society. We must instill values in our young while we can, and give them a positive image of themselves.

I believe that every person born should have the opportunity to grow and develop to his or her full potential. They should be able to explore and discover their talents – achieve, create and invent – and be allowed to live a life free from prejudice and famine.

My hope is that every child robbed of love will be able to know what it feels like to love and be loved. I want them to know what love is; but most of all, I want them to know WHO love is.

I want them to know that God loves them above all else. This is my mission from God. Will you share it with me? Will you help me help others?

we must rid ourselves of this drug abuse. We must let our unloved children know that they are loved. We must care for one another. We must not measure our fortune by their misfortune, but share our fortune with the less fortunate.

We become fulfilled as we share our time, our talents, our ideas and hopes, – our creations and our lives with others.

We can stop this problem through education and preventative measures while our babies are still babies. We can and must project positive images to them, let them know they are special while they are still young enough to listen and be molded.

Children will only form images of themselves by what we tell them. The confusion sets in when they are old enough to question what we say to them. When we put them down, tell them they are no good, they will question that as they get older. Deep down, the damage has already been done.

As our young people get older, they will begin to see things differently than we do. They must be allowed this freedom, to become what God has planned for them, – not necessarily what we have planned for them.

When we help our young people build self-esteem from a very early age, they will be able to say “no” to drugs and alcohol, to getting involved with any negative lifestyle. Everyone has a role to play in helping fight this epidemic. Remember, the child you save may be your own.

Today, I know just a little bit more about the vision God gave me. I have learned we must love people – all kinds of people.

I believe God chose me for this mission because I was fortunate enough not to have become involved with alcohol or drugs. I thank my mother for developing the self-esteem within me so that I could say “no”. With this knowledge, I can share my own experience, strength and hope with young people everywhere.

I am compelled to do what I can today to help our young people. Will you help me? Remember what the Bible says in Revelation 2:29, “I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service, your perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.”


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