Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

13. So Why Am I Doing What I’m Doing?

There is a drive within me to do what I’m doing that is so strong that nothing can stop me. I cannot be prevented from achieving what I have set out to do.

The desire to succeed is nearly an obsession. I want it so badly that I will sacrifice for it, I will fight for it, and I will hold on with every ounce of energy in my body until I accomplish it.

I dream of my achievement. I hope and pray for it, and I have faith and trust that God will honor the desire of my heart. I am determined and committed. I discipline myself for it.

It is my life; it is what I am all about. I am willing to convince those I love, my family and friends. If I cannot, I will chance losing them, because ultimately I will lose them anyway and they will lose me.

I will not compromise. I will seek God’s wisdom always and follow His lead. He has revealed His plan for my life. I know this because of the serenity I have inside.

I rise each day with renewed strength to keep going. I don’t listen to the negative comments; I go through the pain and disappointments, and I am protected. I ask Jesus to “go ahead, make my way.” I ask Him to lead me and open the impossible doors, and see myself walking through.

I am surrounded by those who share my dream of making it – a good support system. I acknowledge my shortcomings, but I am not afraid to face new challenges. I study and train to meet them.

I am humble (teachable), listening to others’ advice and positive comments. I know that if I want to reach my goal badly enough, it will eventually be mine. I will not sell myself short, now will I exploit my fellow man.

I will be delighted to compete fairly. I will grow from the risks I take and will not harm anyone along the way. I will be patient, knowing if I hold on long enough, my time will come.

It is in the believing in myself, knowing that I am not a mistake, that I make this voyage of self-discovery. It’s like reading an exciting novel with the next chapter better than the last.

Others do not always understand the growth we go through. They fight you, dump garbage on you, blot out the good points and underline the mistakes. I have learned to pray for them and love them with God’s love.

I do what I do because I like it. It makes me feel good inside when I provide a service for others. I help make people happy, change attitudes, set trends and motivate. I help them forget their problems for awhile. I inspire, challenge and entertain, sometimes all at the same time.

My particular career is so demanding that my lifestyle sometimes become a role for aspiring your musicians and entertainers. I feel good sharing my God-given talent with others, using if for God in many ways.

Putting God first in my life, I watch Him recreate me, mold me and use me. I do what I do because I love what I am doing, I love God and I love people.

It no longer matters what people say or think of my career. As long as I control it, and it doesn’t control me, I will enjoy it. I will survive. I will remain true to myself and to my Father God – my Creator.

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