Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

23. Dare

To change is a challenge, a dare. When a new member comes into Love All People, we employ certain ideas, goals and challenges to help that new member adjust to a new, positive lifestyle. We begin with a “dare.”

“Dare” spells success when applied to daily life while in and after leaving Love All People. Spell it out and see for yourself.

D: Stands for a desire to change and be happy, to enjoy life. It’s a desire to “be somebody,” to be successful. It’s a desire to fill an empty void, to know who you really are – to love and be loved.

It’s a desire to follow a lifelong dream, to achieve your goals and discover your potential. It’s a desire to live and change your old lifestyle plagued with drugs and alcohol.

This desire comes for some of us after we have hit rock bottom and can go no further and survive. It comes from a positive influence of another person who has proven that change can happen. (What God has done for others, He will do for you.)

The desire to change must be greater than the desire to continue the old lifestyle. This is the bottom line for the motivation for change. A person who does not desire change or is not willing to expose him/herself to change will never change.

A: Stands for admit, accept, apply and adjust. If you desire to change enough, you will admit you have a problem, not society, not your parents. You are responsible for your own actions. Admit you need help, and then be willing to accept the help you ask for. Do not be too proud. Seek a balance (center) for your life. Don’t be too proud, but don’t be too humble, either. In other words, seek help, but don’t go overboard and be weak and helpless, seeking instant results. You will end up feeling inferior.

Accept the change, new ideas and new lifestyle. Give yourself a chance to see if you really want this change. If you really want this change, the desire will become greater than staying in the same rut.

Allow new ideas to sink into your subconscious mind – positive ideas about yourself. Accept yourself just as you are. You are unique; you have characteristics, personality traits and talents that make you special.

Apply the new ideas and lifestyles to yourself. Feel the deference. Decide whether you like the “new” you. Adjust to your new lifestyle with Love All People.

Adjust you actions and your attitude to meet the Love All People’s standards and guidelines. They have been proven to work in gaining self-esteem, becoming successful and living a new and positive lifestyle.

R: Stands for reality. Life is real, not fantasy. We must learn to live in reality and stop trying to escape. Learn to walk through the pain, and you will learn to appreciate the lessons you learn and the ultimate joy on the other end.

Remove the old and bring on the new. Take off your old negative influences – get rid of them – and replace them – with attire that has a positive influence in your life. Your inner feelings are revealed through your outer appearance.

If you feel good inside, you look good on the outside. Smiling on the inside shows through your beaming face; you can’t hide your feelings. They will always show through.

Replace old ideas with new ones. Replace old friends with new, true friends. Remove guild, hate and fear, and receive in its place truth and God’s forgiveness.

Rededicate your life to constructive living and actions. It is a fact that you will act one of two ways – either constructively or destructively. There’s no in-between. Everything you do has its effect on you and your recipient in either a positive or a negative way.

Repent (turn away) from the old ways and be willing to change. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Let Him direct your path. He will give you the desires of your heart.

Let His Spirit consume your old spirit, allowing you to love and be loved, to forgive and ask for forgiveness, to be kind and patient and understanding.

E: Stands for enjoyment and excitement. You will become so excited and full of joy that you will want to share this new feeling with others. You must give it away to keep it.

The feeling is never lost once truly found. Sometimes it seems blocked by confusion, but it is always there. Enjoy the newness – new discoveries, new attitudes, new friends and a new life.

This new life teaches us how to love, how to forgive. The formulas we share we have found as a family who has been there and found our way back. We want to tell others that you can come with us – to freedom – to show others and point the way!

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