Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

24. Reaching Your Goals

We need to set short-term goals in order to reach our long-term goals. Move, step-by-step, toward your long-term goals. Plan each step carefully and make each one count. We do this for several reasons:

(1) It gives us a firm foundation;

(2) It prepares us for our long-term goal; and

(3) It helps us learn patience in reaching our long-term goals.

We will be constantly reminded of our long-term goals, and won’t give up so quickly. As long as we keep them in front of us, we won’t cop out on ourselves by making lame excuses as to why we couldn’t make it.

When we are planning for and reaching toward our goals, always plan to take someone along with you on your climb. Help someone along the way. This keeps you climbing and pushing onward and upward.

You won’t let yourself down, nor will you let down the person who has faith in you. Don’t forget all the people and friends you needed when you were on the way up. Make use of their services and help, but don’t step on them.

Impatience is your greatest enemy. Doubt is to patience and hope as water is to fire. It will put it out every time. Be patient. Your time will come. Be ready for the break when it arrives. Always reach for the top; don’t settle for less. Do your best at all times.

Know exactly what you want. Dream about it; visualize it. Act as if it has already happened! Somehow it all comes together as you have planned.

Never yield to pressure. Don’t let the words “I can’t” enter your mind. If you know you are right and know you can do it, then stick to it until it’s done. This is your life. You must do what is good for you, not for anyone else.

Always seek God’s wisdom and grace in your plans. He will give you both. Be watchful and pray. Learn from experience, and you will find out what is good for you. If you make mistakes, forgive yourself and go on.

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