27. Mending Broken Lives
Congratulations! We are all on our way to mending broken hearts, broken lives, broken dreams and broken spirits. We are on our way to mending these broken pieces back to completeness.
What will it take to mend a broken heart? It will take giving your heart! What will it take to mend a broken life? It will take giving of your life. What will it take to mend a broken dream? It will take the sharing of your own dreams and vision.
It is easy to say, but difficult to do. How can we just give so much of ourselves unselfishly, and get nothing in return? I don’t understand how it works, but all of a sudden, in giving, I find that There is a mending taking place in my own life too!
My broken dreams are coming true; my broken heart is mending. My broken life is coming together better than ever before. What is happening? Could it be that the more I mend other people’s lives, the more I mend myself? Could it be the more I give to others, the more it comes back to me? The more I seek to help others, the more I help myself?
In other words, I have to lose my life to find life. (Find it in the Bible – it’s there!) I have read that saying over and over and been confused about its meaning. Now I have a better idea of what it’s all about.
What is music without life and heart and soul put into it? It is just a beautiful piece of art. It cannot have life until someone gives it life; and in the very act of giving it life, I find life. How simple to understand yet how difficult it is to achieve this concept.
In Love All People, I have found that there is a better way for my life than the way it was before. I have learned that when I am feeling down, I can always look up. When I am up, I can always look down to help others.
Use me, Lord, to life people up, to mend broken lives. Only then will I be lifted up with a life that I have never known, a feeling that I have never felt, an understanding I have never had before. I will know a love that I have never before received or shared.
I know now that it is in giving that I find joy, and in joy can also be suffering. Through the tears, I can smile; and in smiling, I can cry. It is simple to see, yet difficult to understand.
When I see myself, I sometimes see someone else, and when I see someone else, I sometimes see myself. So I do understand that when I help that someone else, I am helping the “me” I see through that person.
When I love myself, I can truly love that other person, since I can see myself in them. I am mending broken hearts, for my heart is broken for others.
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