Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

31. Boredom, Part II

A. “Boring” leads to boredom:

1. Activities
2. Conversations
3. Not doing what you want or what makes you feel good
4. Not being entertained
5. Resisting quietness
6. Resisting being alone
7. Finding people around you boring

B. Boredom leads to suicidal tendencies:

1. Depression
2. Chemical Abuse
3. Final ending – suicide

C. There are three areas that can be used positively or negatively In between these is boredom. They are:

1. Your time
2. Your mind
3. Your energy

If you waste your time, you also waste your mind and your energy. You cannot contain your energy. It must be released in some manner. You can control your energy. get rid of the negative energy.

D. Medicine: Pain, Forgiveness and Love:

1. Learn to face the pain of knowing yourself.
*2. Be willing to forgive. Honest forgiveness can only come with divine help.
3. Be ready to accept love, unconditionally.

E. The Solution:

1. Admit who you are.
2. Accept change, regardless how difficult.
3. Adjust your attitudes.
*4. Adjust your moods, without using chemicals that alter.
*5. Divert your negative energy.
6. Release anger in a positive way.
7. Accept love for what it really is.
*8. Share yourself, your talent, your ideas. Be concerned about others.
9. Do something for someone without returned favors.
10.Listen to relaxing music.
11. Become involved with a needy project.
*12. Love.

NOTEMost bored people are seeking their past. Bored people are cowards or chickens because they can’t face themselves.
What you do with your time helps your mind and energy.

*If you STUDY this lecture really hard, you will never, ever be BORED!

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