Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

5. Against My Nature

As we continue to study the things that are important to us and determine how to choose the right way to live, we must understand that, by nature, we react to certain situations. We take up a “self defense” attitude, not wanting to share what’s “ours”.

We are taught to respond to thoughts and ideas in two major ways during our lifetime. The first type of response is impulsive, which is action taken without thinking something through; a conditioned reaction without rationale. The second type of response is necessity, for survival and continued existence.

It is against our natures to react without thinking, to be impulsive; but it is easier to do. We do not want to take the time to think a situation through. We harm people most when we act impulsively, either through our words or through our actions.

We are taught that if someone hurts us, we must hurt them back. If someone tells a nasty lie about us, we must fight to prove them wrong. We are conditioned to act without thinking things through.

As you spend time in solitude late at night, you may wonder, “Why did I say that? Why did I act that way? I really did not intend to.”

You are right; you probably didn’t intend to. But you became impulsive and spoke before you thought. You reacted to hurt with more of the same.
Jesus said that we should think a situation through – walk away – turn the other cheek. It is not important enough to strike back, because then you become like the person who stuck out at you.

It is against God’s nature to simply react. He thinks things through. When you follow His example by thinking things through, you will do what is necessary to handle the situation. It is not necessary to fight when you can walk away. It is not necessary to argue pointlessly just so you can have the last word.

You will know what is important by asking yourself, “Is it necessary to me, to my success of to my existence?” If it is, then it is important for you to think it through and respond intelligently. This will make you a winner instead of a loser.

Sometimes it is necessary to put things in proper order, to remind people who you are. You are important to yourself and to God. If you can do this without making the other person feel less important, you are a winner.

No one ever wins a fight. Even if you beat the other person, you lose. You may win the round, but you will lose your dignity. Which is more important? Is it necessary enough to lose your control? Is it not necessary that you prove you are stronger?

You may need to defend yourself and your family from bodily harm. It is important to do this only if you had a chance to think it through and act out of necessity to save or protect yourself or others.

In order to be successful, ask yourself how important something is to you and whether it is necessary. Weigh the circumstances. Look at both the positive and negative aspects. Think it through. Do not act impulsively as you have been conditioned to do. If it is against your nature to act a certain way, then don’t do it!
It is not as important to be loved, as it is to love. It is not important to always be right; but it is important to admit when you are wrong. It is not important to forget, but it is very important and necessary to forgive.

It is not important to have the last word, but it is important to be quiet at times. It is not important to brag about your talents; but it is important and necessary to share them.

It is not important to be the best, but it is important to give your best. It is not as important to be freed as it is to fee. It is not important to reach your goal; it is important how you reach your goal. It is not important to be like everyone else, but it is important to be yourself.

It is not important to be liked by everyone, but it is important to like everyone. It is not important to prove someone else wrong; it is important to be right. It is not important that you “make it”; it is important what you make of yourself.

When I think about all these important things to consider, then I know how far I have to go to call myself a “together” person. My life is like the four seasons that God put in perfect order. The natural order of God’s divine wisdom, love and understand is reflected in the summer, spring, winter and fall of the yearly cycle.
When winter comes, the cold wind blows. The trees die and the flowers go to sleep. A blanket of snow covers the once-green grass. Even during the coldest day, we know that soon spring will arrive. The flowers bloom, the birds sing and so does my heart. It is God’s perfect plan to keep things in proper order.

In the spring, I find a quiet resting place beside a brook, where I can go and think with peace in my heart. The trees that were bare a few months ago are now full of leaves providing shade. I feel the gentle, warm breeze against my face as I read a book or reflect about my life.

It’s at times like these that I wonder about God. I think back on my life, when everything seemed to go wrong. Those old “winter thoughts” of doubt, fear and confusion gripped me and froze my mind. Ambitions, ideas and motivation seemed covered with snow. No song could be found in my heart.
At times, I want to give up, – just throw in the towel. But then something touches me with warmth that melts the snow away. I get new ideas and become ambitious once again.

I feel the warmth of the sunshine on my face, replacing that cold wind of winter. The sunlight gives me new hope. Fears are washed away like melting snow. A feeling of contentment floods my soul. I know the presence of God’s Loving Spirit is with me. I begin to understand His divine order of life.

I learn that living by nature is opposed to living under grace. I thank Him for His grace that makes my nature no longer natural; and most of all, for His love. He is now real to me, as real as the stars in the sky. His nature is in me and I in Him. To be apart from Him in Spirit and truth is “against my nature”.

God has become important and real. He is necessary in my life because He lives within me. I am His image; therefore, I am important because He is important. I am necessary, and that makes me full of joy. Nobody can take that away from me except God, and He is the One who gave it to me in the first place!

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