It is written in Matthew chapter 6: I cannot serve two masters. I cannot serve both God and money. It is written in Matthew chapter 20: For the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of an estate who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay the normal daily wage, and sent them out to work.
It was at the peak of his career that Rev. Minner began to hear the call of God: “Give it all up, Prentice. I’ve got a job for you to do.” After a period of time, my friend said: “alright I’ll go.” But he still was not ready to give up show business. At first, he tried to do both; run the ministry, and keep his career going. But this resulted in Rev. Minner being in a constant state of turmoil, which led to this prayer: “ Please God, give me a sign. “ Be careful what you ask for, you may get it! After he finished praying, he told his wife Pam, and then went to perform.
Prentice always performed with a band. So therefore, he always carried his charts with him. He had all of the songs he performed arranged. Without these charts, the musicians could not play the show, for the musicians all read music. So it was the strictest rule that everyone kept their eyes on the music. That night, John Lerner had stopped to put a few quarters in the slot machines. John hit a jackpot and came out and informed everybody. Prentice and a couple of band members were on one bench and the rest of the band were on the other, with the music case between them. Prentice and the band turned to congratulate John. When they turned around, the music case containing all the music was gone and no one else was in the vicinity. The music case had vanished. Later that evening, Pam reminded Prentice of his prayer for direction: “Well, I guess you got your prayer answered pretty fast.”