Make the kingdom of God your primary concern!
Author: Pat Sue
It is written in the book of Daniel: Your Majesty, you are the head of gold. After your kingdom has come to an end, another great kingdom, inferior to yours, will rise to take your place. After that kingdom has fallen, yet a third great kingdom will rise to rule the world. Following that kingdom, there will be a fourth great kingdom as strong as iron. That kingdom will smash and crush all previous empires. During the reigns of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. No one will ever conquer it! It will shatter all these kingdoms into nothingness, but it will stand forever!
In the kingdom, you will show me the way of life. In the kingdom, the holy spirit leads the humble in what is right, teaching them his way. Anyone who does the will of my father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations… Love each other, just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
If I forgive those who sin against me, my heavenly father will forgive me. Give as freely as you have received. Go and announce to them that the kingdom of heaven is near. Don’t take any money with you. Don’t carry a travelers bag with an extra coat and sandals or even a walking stick. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality because those who work deserve to be fed. Whenever you enter a city or village, search for a worthy man and stay in his home until you leave for the next town. When you are invited into someone’s home give it your blessing…Does this way of life really work?
In 2010, the holy spirit told me to write about that which I really loved.
Love All People. I am an eyewitness to everything I am about to write about! As it is written in the book of Psalms: “ I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. “ And it is my honor to do so. Let me start by telling you about my friend, someone I knew to be God’s servant. Rev. Minner was a world class entertainer whom God called out of show business to tell the children he loved them. The question was what kids? Rev. Minner continued to entertain audiences until he received a call from a friend that her daughter was hanging around with gang bangers, drug users, and abusers. She asked if he would go down and speak to these kids. Then the Spirit said to Rev. Minner; “Those are the kids. Go and tell them I love them.” And you know he got the message right because one day in a meeting, one of the kids said:
“You keep talking about love and loving people, why not call the group Love All People?” And so we came to be.
Four or five of the kids Rev. Minner went to speak to started coming over for Bar- B-Ques, and different get togethers they had weekly. They came over high, drunk, or some didn’t even know why they were there. They just followed their friends! Finally, Rev. Minner said to himself: “This ain’t working! They are leaving here and going back to the same environment they came from exactly the same as before!” So Rev. Minner told these kids: “If you really want to change and do something with your life, I’ll help you get out of where you are, and help you find some direction.“ When they left, he really didn’t expect anything to come of it. But, a few days later, Rev. Minner looked out of his front window, and a truck full of 4 or 5 kids came up to the front door and said; “You said if we were serious about changing our lives, you’d help us! Well, were here.” So he moved the boys into his home, the girls moved into the motor home. They became his family. And when he was performing, he would bring them up on stage with him. He did give them a new direction and a new hope. Fed them, clothed them, taught them in his home, which later became “ The Love All People Music Academy .” He was making disciples which led to “ The Love All People Music Ministry!
It is written in Matthew chapter 10: Go and announce to them that the kingdom of heaven is near. Don’t take any money with you. Don’t carry a travelers bag with an extra coat and sandals or even a walking stick. It is written in Matthew chapter 6: Don’t worry about everyday life; food, drink, or clothes. My heavenly father already knows all my needs, and he will give me all I need from day to day, if I live for him and make the kingdom of God my primary concern. It is written in John chapter 10: “ My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me!” It is written in Matthew chapter 7: Therefore, Anyone who listens to my teachings and obeys me is wise. It is also written in Matthew chapter 11: “Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.”
Rev Minner gave up his successful career and began to work with Love All People. Along with the career went the money, the credit cards, and the luxury cars. All that was left was the home, and the motor home, where the girls stayed. If they lost that, the girls would have no place to stay. We needed $1,800.00. Roger McDuff, a friend of Rev. Minner’s, invited him to a pastor’s convention in Anaheim, California. The Holy Spirit told Rev. Minner to go.
Rev. Minner’s family told him he was crazy to go all the way to California; 1. We have no money to pay these bills. 2. We have no food money. 3. We have no gas money, how are you going to get there? To which he replied: “ I have to go, God told me to go. “ So the group gathered together to pray before departing. Just then a knock at the door. Rev. Minner went to look through the peep hole and said; “ Oh no, not another handout. “ But, he opened the door, and there stood Harmony, a young veteran who usually came over for coffee and conversation. But, not this time. He said he couldn’t stay, and that the Lord told him to give Love All People $125.00. So he did and then left. Be careful how you treat strangers, you never know when you might be entertaining angels. With that money, we gassed up our vehicles, and left for Anaheim.
Love All People was expecting to receive a love offering for our first major appearance. Looking at the size of the crowd, we just knew we would have enough to catch up on all our bills! Then we got the word there would be no love offering that night. How are we going to pay for the motor home? How are we going to get home? Just before benediction, Dick Mills called Love All People to the podium so the people could stretch forth their hands and pray for us. As they were praying, people were standing in the aisles and placing money into the kids hands, who began shoveling the money into their pockets. There was over $1,800.00 received that night.
“ It is written in Jeremiah chapter 29: I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope!” It is written in Psalms chapter 32: “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” It is written in Matthew chapter 11: “Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.”
The year was 1986, and Rev. James Cleveland, who was the founder of the Gospel Music Workshop of America (G.M.W.A.), was in town for the annual board meeting. We had such a desire to appear at the board meeting, but we couldn’t even afford the entry fees. The Holy Spirit told Rev. Minner: “You will appear.” Pastor Minner said the Holy Spirit told him to call the chapter president to see if the kids could come. “I’m glad you called” he said. “We need some help. If you will have some of your members meet guests at the airport, and take them to their hotels, we will waive the entry fee.” We did as requested. We were told that we could sing at the opening of the program. Rev. Cleveland never arrived at the beginning of programs, so chances were he wouldn’t hear us. But Pastor Minner said the Holy Spirit said, “He will hear you.”
At the last minute, the program was changed. The opening act was asked to perform another selection. As L.A.P. took the stage, in walked Rev. James Cleveland. L.A.P. sang our song: “He’s forgiven me.” After we finished, Rev. Cleveland interrupted the program and said: “I’ve never been so impressed… I like what this group has to say. Forgiveness is what the gospel is all about, and these kids are a living testimony to God’s goodness!”
When Pastor Minner obeyed the Holy Spirit’s instructions, and trusted Him alone to bring it to pass, He did!!! As I stated before, I am an eyewitness to everything I am about to write about! It is written in Matthew chapter 24: The good news about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a witness, and then the end will come!!!