Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

3. My Lifestyle

So you want to be a “star”. So you want to be successful. So you want to be a businessman and own your own company. Wanting to be, and actually “being” are two completely different stories.

There are dreamers – those who just dream and never reach out to touch their dreams in reality. Dreamers normally give up because they cannot take the discipline required to b successful. Dreamers cannot adjust to the lifestyle a particular career demands of them.

Each profession has a distinct lifestyle. You must be willing to adjust to, appreciate, understand, cope with and enjoy your lifestyle.

Entertainment is a wonderful way of life. It’s exciting, challenging and competitive. This not only includes the entertainer, but also managers, agents, stage directors and producers – all those in the industry.

We all live in a completely different world. Most people with “normal” lifestyles cannot understand it. You must be strong, well disciplined and committed. You must be willing to live one day at a time. You can plan your future, but need to live in the present.

Normally, you cannot be involved with two different lifestyles, as they will not be compatible. For example, an entertainer, producer or manager can’t usually get totally comfortable with the normal 9-5’45, as that person cannot understand the fast-paced life you have chosen.

The lifestyle of an entertainer to some people is foolish. A normal nine-to-five job to the entertainer is boring. Some marriages between the two have tried to work, only to end up in divorce.

You’ve heard that “the grass is always greener on the other side” is not always true. It appears to be, until you see the dry brown spots. They are there in every area of grass; one may be hidden or disguised better than the other.

You should be satisfied with your choice of vocation. It is when you attempt to mix vocations or lifestyles that you get into trouble. Unless you are really together and have made tremendous strides in lifestyle adjustments, you are walking a dangerous line. If you try to live two lifestyles, you will love one and hate the other.

This does not mean that you cannot occasionally become involved with a lifestyle different than yours. If you are not sure where you stand, you leave yourself open for a change, when you should only be enjoying a moment of “difference” which is refreshing.

You have heard the phrase, “I love so and so, or this and that, but I would not want to be a part of it.” This is safe thinking. We will sometimes want to seek a different feeling or emotion, but we must control the urge. If you want to be successful, choose a career that offers a lifestyle that you are totally happy in living.


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