Creating a World of Love through Sounds of Music

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Graduate Info:

Unfortunately, if you are looking for information about graduating classes; accreditation and diplomas, we do not have any information to offer. Denise J, who passed away, was in charge of this department when the school closed down. If you are looking, you can either contact the Department of Education in Nevada or you might try John.

2. The Fixer

I encourage you to spend some quiet time by yourself. Shut out the rest of the world and exist only in your own little world for awhile.

I have discovered something wonderful and amazing about these quiet times, which for me is around the midnight hour. Sometimes I share these precious moments with another member of the family, and then reflect in the solitude after they have gone to bed.

It is usually this time of night that I sit alone after making my rounds, checking to see that everyone is safely tucked into their beds. I turn out the lights, knowing the house is secure. I hear the soft strains of music from a radio someone has left on, but no other sound of .V. or talking. Quiet surrounds me, with an occasional bark from one of our two dogs.

It is during this time that I reflect on my life. I think about what I accomplished today toward my goals, where I made mistakes and how I can improve. I entertain new ideas, accept new challenges in my life and ask God what He thinks about these things.

I forgive myself for saying and doing things that I knew were wrong and ask God to forgive me. I ask Him for the strength to ask their forgiveness. If I said something to dampen a spirit or a brother or sister instead of uplifting it; if I discouraged instead of encouraged them; if what I said blocked their dreams or goals, I make amends.

Everyone can have this special time, just before going to sleep. Spend some time in reflection before or after kneeling to pray. It is important. Remember that prayer is you talking to God; the time of reflection or meditation is the opportunity for God to talk to you.

During this time, you may laugh or you may cry as you get in touch with the joys and hurts you feel. You may be feeling sorry for yourself. Evaluate the situation, and make new determinations for tomorrow. This is the time to see clearly what is going on in your life.

It was during this time of reflection one night that the thought of Dennis, one of our members, came to me after I had shared my feelings with other family members. “How can I reach him?” The question was there within me. How could I get him to listen, to trust me, someone who really cares about him? It was then that God gave me the answer, which I call “the fixer”.

Dennis is a “fixer”. He takes things apart and puts them back together, sometimes better than before. As Brian would say, “My daddy can fix anything – well, almost anything!” But he can’t fix himself. No one can fix themselves. We must depend upon others to help us!

This is the way God meant for us to learn trust. At some time in our lives, we have to trust someone. We actually trust people all the time. Think about it. We trust cooks in fast food places; we trust druggists; we even trust the drivers of our cars with our lives every day.

Dennis is an expert in his field. When he advises us about a car or an appliance, he is sure of himself. For some reason, we often don’t listen as he begs us to do something about a situation. We ask for a second opinion. He will exclaim. “Trust me! I know what I am talking about! I have the experience in putting things together. I have read the manuals and gone through trial and error. Please don’t drive that car, even to the corner.”

But we don’t listen. We get in the car and off we go, thinking we know more than the expert. The car stalls at the first light. Too late: we should have listened. It could have saved time and money, not to mention inconvenience.
Listen to others. Use the knowledge they have to offer and wish to share. Otherwise, be prepared to pay the consequences. Dennis knew the warning signs, even though they seemed minor to others. He knew what would happen, even though we could not see it.

A doctor who deals with our physical well being warns us through his knowledge of the human body. Stay away from certain foods, he will say. We respond by saying that “just a little” won’t hurt. But it’s never just a little. Before you know it, we are paying the price of not listening to his advice by ill health or perhaps even death. Is it worth not listening just to prove a point?

Dennis has learned to work with inanimate objects. I have learned to put human beings back together emotionally. I have studied human nature for years. I have read books and have experience in helping other people in this area. I know what makes the emotional part of the person work. I can help take the emotions apart and put them back together, sometimes better than before.

Some of us come out as lemons. We must be treated in a special way for the rest of our lives. Dennis knows what a lemon is. It must be treated differently if it is to be used in the best way. We don’t know why a lemon is a lemon; it grows up that way.

We don not know why some of us are lemons, but we do know that trusting and believing in ourselves can make lemonade out of lemons. It’s like adding a little sugar and water. Sugar is someone who truly loves you; water comes from the living well that never runs dry – from Jesus.

How can I make Dennis understand that just as he asks me to trust him about inanimate things he knows about, so he needs to trust me in that which I know about – life.

Why don’t we listen? We want to do it “our way”. There is nothing wrong with this idea except that we are doing it our way for all the wrong reasons. We are stubborn. We feel we need to prove ourselves. We are selfish, not thinking or caring about who we hurt. We are afraid of success. We don’t like being us. We want to be someone we are not. We want to be like someone else. We don’t want to face our shortcomings. We don’t want to be a “lemon”.

We need to become willing to change. You can believe in your friends, but know their motives for wanting to help you. Why does Dennis want to help us by warning us of what will happen if we don’t listen to him? If it were just his job, we wouldn’t listen. When it is out of love and concern, we usually will listen.

If it were “just my job” to lead and guide you and to warn you, then I wouldn’t necessarily expect you to listen. But if you know I love you and have proved it in many ways, then please listen to what I say. If my love is selfish and you see I just want control over you, then don’t listen, because my motives are not right. Be sure to check your own motives, too. In any event, give yourself the benefit of the doubt. If you are sure of yourself, then you don’t have to worry about anyone changing your mind.

Most of us are afraid that someone else is controlling our lives. We feel we are prisoners of another person’s ideas, suggestions, directions and decisions. Here are a few telltale signs of a person who want to (or already has begun to) control your life:

1. They don’t allow you to give your opinion about your concerns and your life.2. They always doubt or put doubt in your mind about your decisions3. They constantly remind you that you owe them something (e.g. your life) putting you on a guilt trip.4. They must be a part of all y9our plans and decisions, to the point of getting angry of you don’t accept their suggestions.5. They purposely hold you back from progress and opportunities in your life.6. They constantly remind you of your past and what you have done, as a “whipping post” in your life.

7. They insist on doing everything for you, not teaching you responsibility; and then complain that you don’t know how to be responsible.


Don’t confuse “control” with “discipline.” As a disciplinarian, I insist that you are responsible for your actions; that you follow through on your commitments and on your word, and that you show respect.
If you are disciplined, respectful, responsible and committed, you will be successful. Each of these will teach you character, will mold you and prepare you for your future, and will help you maintain success in your life.

Copyright ©1990, 2002, 2008, 2013

1. Mojos and Self-Esteem


“Mojo” is a term used for the control someone has over another person’s life through knowing and using his or her weaknesses. A mojoer “pushes buttons” to get reactions. He manipulates people to get what he wants, regardless of the consequences.

Mojos will most likely work on people who have low self-esteem – lonely people needing friends and those who have no real opinion about them selves.

There are good and bad mojos. Bad mojos are most common. A bad mojo is one that does not allow a person to be free of emotions, feelings and decisions regarding his own life. The mojoer keeps a person under his control by offering him the things that will make him feel “happy”. A mojo can be utilized by any weakness a person has – like drugs, alcohol, sex or food – anything that will constantly keep the self-esteem low.

good mojo is one that supports a person in his decision about himself, his life goals and ambitions. It’s a Mojo that lifts from “beneath the wings” to carry a person to greater heights.

Generally, there are two categories of mojoers; a negative mojoer is a person with a problem of insecurity. He may be a person who is power-hungry, wanting to control another’s life.

Unfortunately, some of the most powerful and devastating mojos are held by parents, – overbearing or over loving parents who want the best for their children. Most parents do this innocently, unaware of the negative results it will eventually cause.

Some parents feel their children should not have to face the experiences that make up life. How wrong they are! Our children must experience life with its successes and failures. The more they try and fail, the stronger they become unless they give up. With more strength comes survival.

Parents too often try to shelter their children, giving them everything they want and need. Sadly, they don’t realize the disservice they are doing the children in not allowing them to learn responsibility.

Each person must someday leave home and start a new life on their own. Parents must be supportive of their children as they attempt to face life with its challenges.

positive mojoer is one who will accept a person “as he is,” and will try to influence that person in a positive manner. We can be our own best positive mojoers!


Learn to recognize and avoid bad mojos. In order to do this, you must explore and learn to know yourself, realize your weaknesses and admit to them. When you recognize your own shortcomings, you can begin to deal with them. Work at changing yourself into a successful person, a step at a time. You may fall down, but don’t worry. Be ready to get back up with scraped knees. You’ll heal!

Discuss your hurts and bring to light those dark feelings of hate for a situation or person, then deal with it. Only at that point will you be able to say, “So what!” regardless of what others think or say about you. You will be able to smile with them as they tease you. You will understand that they have hang-ups and feel the need to try and put you down.

No one can put you down but God; and He lifts you up. You can put yourself down by allowing yourself to forget who you really are and reacting negatively to the teasing or bad jokes. Be above it, and the jokesters will tire and go somewhere else.

As you are able to understand and accept yourself as you are, you will be able to give of yourself to others. Whether the person on the receiving end accepts or rejects your gift doesn’t matter. Giving of yourself and your talents with the right motive brings fulfillment to your life.

As you become able to love yourself as you really are, you will be able to forgive yourself. It is only then that you will not spend your lifetime trying to be what others want you to be. You will be free to be yourself and know that God loves you.

The problem is no longer yours. You can share what you have found with those who would try to control you with mojos. Be willing to share your secret with them but also be ready to have it rejected.

The most important fact to remember about loving yourself is to learn to love others as you do yourself. If it is truly love, then you can accept others with their faults and shortcomings, their strengths and weaknesses, knowing that you have them too.

Don’t strive too much to change. We try to change our bodies and our looks. We change our habits and our actions; sometimes for the better and sometimes not. But we cannot change our heart or soul, and that’s where real change must occur.

We are powerless over changes on the inside. Only God’s love and His spirit of peace and joy can change your heart and soul. You must allow Him to do it, because He will not force His will upon you. He will ask you, but He will never force you.

God changes a heart, soul or spirit. You change your mind, ways and attitudes, all dictated by your new heart and spirit of love. Be willing to allow God to change you! His Spirit dwells within you if you allow it. When this happens, no one can have a mojo on you, and you will begin to know the true meaning of self-esteem.

Copyright ©1990, 2002, 2013


How Do I get More?

Author: Pat Sue

It is written in Exodus chapter 16: “In the evening, you will have meat to eat, and in the morning, you will be filled with bread.” …“That evening, vast numbers of quail arrived and covered the camp. The next morning, the desert all around the camp was wet with dew. When the dew disappeared, later in the morning, thin flakes white like frost covered the ground. What is it, they asked? It is the food the Lord has given you. Each household should gather as much as it needs. Do not keep any of it overnight“… “So the people of Israel ate manna for forty years until they arrived in the land of Canaan; where there were crops to eat.” It is written in Matthew chapter 6: “So don’t worry about everyday life: food, drink, or clothes. My heavenly father already knows all my needs, and he will give me all I need from day to day, if I live for him and make the kingdom of God my primary concern. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it’s own worries, today’s trouble is enough for today. And don’t store up treasures here on earth, store my treasures in heaven. Wherever my treasure is, there my heart and thoughts will also be.”

In 2012, the Holy Spirit told me to go, tell the world about his unforgettable deeds. So I began to call friends from all over the country and told them I was coming to their city soon. To which they replied; “Come on Pat, we’ll be glad to have you.” On June 19th, I received a call from the F.P.C. and they told me to go to the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday, June 23rd because there was a gift there waiting for me. So I went that Saturday morning and they handed me a gift card for 500.00. On June 30th, I performed my farewell to Las Vegas Concert. During this concert, I received a love offering of $400.00, which paid for me to go and tell the world about his unforgettable deeds. I only completed half the tour and was forced to postpone the remainder of the tour until Christmas. I returned to Las Vegas on August 21st, 2012. By November 2nd, my house sold for $60.000.00. By the time all the unpaid bills had been paid, I was left with $37,000.00. On my 50th birthday, November 2nd, I performed a happy birthday to me concert and was given $400.00. On December 19th, I was scheduled to go to New Jersey, California, and Washington, to finish my tour. On December 17th, I received a call from the First Presbyterian Church Office and they asked me to come to the office the next day. So I did. When I arrived, they handed me a gift card and said: “We heard you were going on tour again so this is a little something for the trip, have a Merry Christmas!” The gift card was loaded with $500.00, so I left for New Jersey the next day and once again,
my entire trip to tell the world about his unforgettable deeds was completely paid for! There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. In the kingdom, all the Lord’s promises prove true, when I obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. The new testament equivalent is Matthew chapter 11: “All the teachings of the scriptures looked forward to this present time.” Now is the time, in the kingdom the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need. Now, in the kingdom, I delight in doing everything the Lord wants… I am like a tree planted along the river bank, bearing fruit each season without fail. My leaves never wither and in all I do I prosper.

Now, in the kingdom, every good thing I have comes from you, when I obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. It is not important to know how it is coming, but it is very important to know it is coming! Now, in the kingdom, I trust in your unfailing love: For instruction, what do you want me to do today? For direction for my future. What is my field of service for you? What is my destiny? The instruction that I obey today paves the way for the path I am to walk on later. For provision to accomplish every instruction I am given. For protection every day of my life.

In the kingdom, to those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. In the kingdom, anyone who listens to my teachings and obeys me is wise. In the kingdom, wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it. When I obeyed his instruction, and trusted him alone to bring it to pass, he did. For truly, in the kingdom, God is dependable!!!

Disciple 3

Author: Pat Sue

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think! Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths! Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair. And you will know how to find the right course of action every time! The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!

On April 2nd 2012, I received a notification from The Clark County Treasurer’s office that I had until June 7th, 5:00 P.M. 2012, to pay in full $3,500.00, or my property would be auctioned off to pay property taxes. I had no money. I should have lost my mind! I sat down and wept bitterly for 10 minutes, then I stopped crying. The song that Rev. Minner sang so many times, began to cross my mind: “I trust in God.”
I trust in God for instruction: What do you want me to do today?
I trust in God for direction for my future: What is my field of service for you? What is my destiny? The instruction that I obey today paves the way for the path I am to walk on later.
I trust in God for provision to accomplish every instruction I am given.
I trust in God for protection every day of my life.
In the kingdom, those who know your name, trust in you. In the kingdom, the helpless put their trust in you. In the kingdom, the needy will not be ignored forever, when they obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. In the kingdom, the hopes of the poor will not always be crushed, when they obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. In the kingdom, no one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced. And that is why in the kingdom, I trust in you my God. I trust in your unfailing love. My heavenly father already knows all my needs, and he will give me all I need from day to day if I live for him, and make the kingdom of God my primary concern.

People began asking me: “Pat, how are you doing?” I replied: “just fine.” Well, June 7th came and passed with no 3,500.00. So I said: “O.K. Lord, now what do I do?” I lost the house. Where do I go from here? Go into all the world and tell the world about my unforgettable deeds. Wait a minute Lord, I have no transportation; no car, no truck, no motorcycle, how am I supposed to get there? Matthew chapter 10: “Go and announce to them that the
kingdom of heaven is near. Don’t take any money with you. Don’t carry a traveler’s bag with an extra coat and sandals, or even a walking stick. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve to be fed. Whenever you enter a city or village, search for a worthy man and stay in his home until you leave for the next town. When you are invited into someone’s home, give it your blessing.” So I began to call friends from all over the country, and told them I was coming to their city soon. To which they replied: “Come on Pat, we’ll be glad to have you!” On June 12th 2012, two of my Sue family of friends came to see me and said, What’s wrong, Pat? So I showed them the notice from the Clark County Treasurer. So they grabbed me up and said: Let’s go! We went to the County Treasurer’s Office and I said: “It’s already too late!” But we went anyway. The receptionist told us it was in the process of being deeded, but full payment would reverse the process. And that is exactly what happened. My house was returned to me!

God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven is given to them. I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Lead me in the right path, O Lord, tell me clearly what to do, and show me which way to turn. He did! Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord. Point out the right road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me. He did! In the kingdom, The Holy Spirit will answer when I call to him, when I obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. In the kingdom, the Holy Spirit has heard my plea. The Holy Spirit will answer my prayer, when I obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. He did! Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. He did! Create in me a clean heart O God, renew a right spirit within me, and make me willing to obey you. He did. In the kingdom, all the Lord’s promises prove true, when I obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. The new testament equivalent is Matthew chapter 11: “All the teachings of the scriptures looked forward to this present time.” So don’t worry about every day life; food, drink, or clothes, and don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring it’s own worries. I don’t anymore! I let God transform me into a new person by changing the way I think! It is written in Matthew chapter 11: “Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.” When I obeyed his instruction, and trusted him alone to bring it to pass, he did. In the kingdom, God is dependable! Go and announce to them that the kingdom of heaven is here. I do that every time I tell my testimony!

Disciple 2

Author: Pat Sue

It is written in Matthew chapter 8: “Then Yeshua got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly, a terrible storm came up with waves breaking into the boat. But Yeshua was sleeping. The disciples went to him and woke him up shouting: “Lord, save us we’re going to drown.” Yeshua answered them: “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith.” Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm.

On 9-11-11, after I had returned home from church, a 40-60 mile per hour gale storm hit Las Vegas. My house was already deteriorating, So I stood in the house and prayed: “Lord, my house is deteriorating. My roof is falling apart, and my floor is too! I don’t know how much of this, the old house can take, help!” As I was walking through the house getting depressed, the Lord told me to speak to it. Speak to it?!! What’s that supposed to do? Those are 60 mile per hour gale force winds!!! After about five minutes, he said: “That’s what I did.” So I said to myself: I ain’t got nothing else better to do. So I stepped out my front door and I told the rain to stop falling, and the wind to stop blowing. Then I went back into the house and sat down. I didn’t expect anything to come of it. But about five minutes later, all was quiet. So I stepped outside and saw that the rain had stopped, and the wind was no more than a cool breeze. Once again, my house was saved.

It is written in Matthew chapter 11: Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it. When I obeyed his instruction, and trusted him alone to bring it to pass, he did! In the kingdom, God is dependable.

Disciple 1

Author: Pat Sue

The stories of L.A.P., I have called miraculous because they should not have happened!! Normally, they do not happen, even in church! So why did they happen to Love All People? This was my answer; Because Rev. Minner was in the kingdom!!! First and foremost, Pastor Minner was a servant of Yeshua! When Pastor Minner obeyed His instructions and trusted Him alone to bring ’It’ to pass, He did! It is not important to know how it is coming, but it is very important to know it is coming!! Pastor Minner was instructed by the Holy Spirit to quit show business and then to tell the children he loved them. Well then, how is the ministry going to be funded? God said by you trusting me daily for everything! So don’t worry about everyday life; food, drink, or clothes. Your heavenly father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day, if you live for him, and make the kingdom of God your primary concern. Pastor Minner memorized the 23rd Psalm, The Lord’s Prayer, and John 3:16. That’s all the scripture he knew. And yet, when Pastor Minner obeyed The Holy Spirit’s instruction, and put his trust in The Holy Spirit alone, Yeshua’s teaching’s came to pass, as written in each story! I am what I am today, because Pastor Minner discipled me. Not with words, but by watching him! I left Love All People in 1995. The cry of my heart was; Whatever it is that you got, I want it. I want to be just like you! Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for.- Matthew chapter 7. There is a time for everything. A season for every activity under heaven!- Ecclesiastes chapter 3. Prentice died in 2008. The student became the teacher in 2009. These are my stories.

“What is faith?” It is written in Hebrews chapter 11: “It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.” For in the kingdom, all the Lord’s promises prove true, when I obey your instruction, and trust you alone to bring it to pass. The New Testament equivalent is Matthew chapter 11: “All the teachings of the scriptures looked forward to this present time.” It is written in Deuteronomy chapter 8: “People need more than bread for their life. Real life comes by feeding on every word of the Lord.” In the kingdom, the instructions of the Lord are perfect reviving the soul. But unless I obey God better than the Pharisees and Sadducees do, I can’t enter the kingdom of heaven at all. For in the kingdom, the Holy Spirit is with those who obey him. Wait on the Lord. Trust in the Lord.

In February 2009, I received my final notice from the Clark County Treasurer that unless I brought into the office a cashier’s check in the amount of $4,984.64 by March 20th, my home would be auctioned off to pay
past due property taxes. I had been doing monthly concerts for three years, trying to do everything I could think of just to keep my head above water, and I failed. It was at this time one of my close friends told me to give him a list of all my friends, and he would contact them and tell them of my situation, but he said: ” Because of the economy, times are tough, we’ll just have to see!” So I got down on my knees and began to cry out to God in desperation. I said: “I have done everything I know how to do! They’re going to take my home away from me, I ain’t gonna live like no damn bum! If this is all I got to look forward to, you can cash my chips in and take me home. I don’t know how to fix this! Help me!” After this, I went out for a while and frantically began to sob. I finally stopped crying when I said: “I saw you do it for Prentice, so do it for me. I trust you God!” Then I got my first Divine instruction. The Holy Spirit told me to play to him, for his enjoyment! That’s it? That’s all?!! I need $5,000.00. That don’t fix my problem!! But the Holy Spirit reminded me that I said: “I don’t know how to fix this,” and that I had asked him for help. Now obey and trust me! So from that day on until March 20th, that is exactly what I did. At the end of each day, I said with a great amount of hope: “I trust you Lord.” It was now March 19th, and I got a call from my friend John. He said: “I’m picking you up at 4:30 P.M., be ready.” “What for?” I asked. “We gotta go to the bank” he said. We arrived at my branch at 4:55 P.M. All the employees knew me by first name. So Sam, the bank supervisor says: “Pat, what can I do for you?” At Sam’s desk, John pulls out $400.00. Then John pulls out a bundle of checks, hands them to me and says sign them. After I had signed them all, Sam added everything up. Sam looked at us and said: “This is for the house isn’t it?” I said “Yup.” He said: “Pat, I’m gonna do you a favor. I’m gonna put these checks through. I’m gonna waive the mandatory waiting period to process these checks.” This was the first part of the miracle. The second part came when he said: “Now, let me go cut you a cashier’s check in the amount of $4,984.64!”

Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.- Matthew chapter 11
When I obeyed his instructions and trusted him alone to bring it to pass, he did! In the kingdom, God is dependable.


Author: Pat Sue

“ It is written in Jeremiah chapter 29: I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope!” It is written in Psalms chapter 32: “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” It is written in Matthew chapter 11: “Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.”

The year was 1986, and Rev. James Cleveland, who was the founder of the Gospel Music Workshop of America (G.M.W.A.), was in town for the annual board meeting. We had such a desire to appear at the board meeting, but we couldn’t even afford the entry fees. The Holy Spirit told Rev. Minner, “you will appear.” Pastor Minner said the Holy Spirit told him to call the chapter president to see if the kids could come. “I’m glad you called” he said. We need some help. If you will have some of your members meet guests at the airport, and take them to their hotels, we will waive the entry fee. We did as requested. We were told that we could sing at the opening of the program. Rev. Cleveland never arrived at the beginning of programs, so chances were he wouldn’t hear us. But Pastor Minner said the Holy Spirit said, “He will hear you.”

At the last minute, the program was changed. The opening act was asked to perform another selection. As L.A.P. took the stage, in walked Rev. James Cleveland. L.A.P. sang our song: “He’s forgiven me.” After we finished, Rev. Cleveland interrupted the program and said: “I’ve never been so impressed… I like what this group has to say. Forgiveness is what the gospel is all about, and these kids are a living testimony to God’s goodness!”

When Pastor Minner obeyed the Holy Spirit’s instructions, and trusted Him alone to bring it to pass, He did!!!


Author: Pat Sue

It is written in Matthew chapter 6: My heavenly father already knows all my needs, and he will give me all I need from day to day, If I live for him, and make the kingdom of God my primary concern. In our early years, many churches wanted nothing to do with Love All People. Their fear was that this group of former gang members, and drug addicts, would have loose morals, resulting in a negative influence on their own children, or worse, be a cult!! In 1981, one Baptist preacher decided to come investigate for himself whether L.A.P. was the ‘real deal’, or not!

It was a normal Monday afternoon: teens being teens. So the curious pastor showed up and saw kids being kids. So the pastor and Rev. Minner began to converse intensely until the dinner hour. Then, over dinner, Rev. Minner shared with his guest, the vision God had given him. After dinner, our guest had the opportunity to meet our family, L.A.P. We shared our individual testimonies with him. By the end of the evening, he must have been convinced that we were indeed the ’Real Deal’, because after giving words of encouragement to every member, he got up to leave, and shook Rev. Minner’s hand and left. When Rev. Minner opened his hand, he immediately called a family meeting. As he cried, he began to recite the twenty-third Psalm. He began with; “The Lord is my shepherd.” As he unrolled a one hundred dollar bill, “I shall not want,” then another hundred dollar bill. By the time he finished reciting the twenty-third Psalm, he had unrolled $1,000.00. In light of L.A.P.’s current financial situation, this was another miracle story.


Author: Pat Sue

It is written in John chapter 10; “ My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” It is written in Matthew chapter 11; “ Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.” The Holy Spirit directed Rev. Minner to go to St. Louis, his childhood home. No reason was given, but Rev. Minner was learning, when the Holy Spirit gives you instruction, you just listen and obey!! One problem though, the trip would cost $800.00 one way. Rev. Minner only had $500.00. Friends and family told him the sensible thing to do was to just stay home.

This next part of the story always makes me laugh, as I’m sure you will too. As the group packed and prepared for the journey, the Holy Spirit said: “ Go to the post office, there is a letter there for you. “ Rev. Minner thought to himself, “ I don’t do mail! That’s my secretaries job!! The Holy Spirit said:

“ No, you go. “ So Rev. Minner obeyed and went to the post office. He went to his P.O. box, and found what he thought was a bill, and he started to rip it up, but the Holy Spirit said: Open it! So he did, and to his amazement, he found $300.00 in a plain unmarked envelope. That was just what we needed to begin the trip!


Author: Pat Sue

It is written in Matthew chapter 10: Go and announce to them that the kingdom of heaven is near. Don’t take any money with you. Don’t carry a travelers bag with an extra coat and sandals or even a walking stick. It is written in Matthew chapter 6: Don’t worry about everyday life; food, drink, or clothes. My heavenly father already knows all my needs, and he will give me all I need from day to day, if I live for him and make the kingdom of God my primary concern. It is written in John chapter 10: “ My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me!” It is written in Matthew chapter 7: Therefore, Anyone who listens to my teachings and obeys me is wise. It is also written in Matthew chapter 11: “Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.”

Rev Minner gave up his successful career and began to work with Love All People. Along with the career went the money, the credit cards, and the luxury cars. All that was left was the home, and the motor home, where the girls stayed. If they lost that, the girls would have no place to stay. We needed $1,800.00. Roger McDuff, a friend of Rev. Minner’s, invited him to a pastor’s convention in Anaheim, California. The Holy Spirit told Rev. Minner to go.

Rev. Minner’s family told him he was crazy to go all the way to California; 1. We have no money to pay these bills. 2. We have no food money. 3. We have no gas money, how are you going to get there? To which he replied: “ I have to go, God told me to go. “ So the group gathered together to pray before departing. Just then a knock at the door. Rev. Minner went to look through the peep hole and said; “ Oh no, not another handout. “ But, he opened the door, and there stood Harmony, a young veteran who usually came over for coffee and conversation. But, not this time. He said he couldn’t stay, and that the Lord told him to give Love All People $125.00. So he did and then left. Be careful how you treat strangers, you never know when you might be entertaining angels. With that money, we gassed up our vehicles, and left for Anaheim.

Love All People was expecting to receive a love offering for our first major appearance. Looking at the size of the crowd, we just knew we would have enough to catch up on all our bills! Then we got the word there would be no love offering that night. How are we going to pay for the motor home? How are we going to get home? Lust before benediction, Dick Mills called Love All People to the podium so the people could stretch forth their hands and pray for us. As they were praying, people were standing in the aisles and placing money into the kids hands, who began shoveling the money into their pockets. There was over $1,800.00 received that night.